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We Take Pride in Being UNC Bears

In fact, you won’t find a bigger, bolder group of graduates than the network of UNC 校友.

We may live in 不同的 cities, be graduates of 不同的 class years, 和 pursue 不同的 careers, but together we are UNC's Bear Network 和 we believe in the power 给予的回报.

Once a Bear, Always a Bear


Upcoming 事件

UNC at the 格里利 Stampede




4th of July Parade




Blue 和 Gold Golf Tournament



Register to Play


Find additional university events 和 opportunities at Calendar.奇怪的人.edu



Congratulations Class of 2024

Congratulations to UNC's newest 校友 - Class of 2024!
We are excited to celebrate your accomplishments 和 welcome you into your UNC
校友 Bear Network. From events, national groups 和 career support,
you'll find we are never too far away.

新 Grad Checklist

Upcoming 事件


Drive with Bear Pride

Show your pride while supporting student scholarships. Your $50 donation to the UNC License Plate Scholarship Fund provides you the option to purchase UNC plates for your Colorado-registered vehicle.

Get Your Plates




参与 和 Help Build the Bear Network

UNC 校友 和 friends are invited to help build a stronger Bear Network. 志愿者 opportunities include support for admissions, career development, regional engagement 和 K-12 education. You can also help build the Bear Network by connecting with @UNC校友Bears on social media 和 sharing UNC posts 和 your favorite pride points.





Such Great Heights: UNC 校友 Working in Aviation

The sky’s the limit when it comes to where a UNC education can take you, just ask Heath Montgomery, ’05, 和 Leah Schultz, ’17. Montgomery works at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (DFW) where he oversees 40 individuals across four departments. 一个巨大的 task for any workplace, let alone DFW which operates, 和 essentially is, its own 城市. Schultz kicked off her career in aviation by recruiting pilots to fly for United Airlines in Denver. Hiring more than 2,300 pilots last year, Schultz career is just 起飞.


Heavy Lift: Alumna Eager to Compete at the Olympics in Weightlifting

This summer, Jourdan Delacruz, ’23, will be heading to Paris, France to go for the 黄金. Earning one of three spots on the USA women’s weightlifting team, she will be competing in the 2024 Olympic Games — her second appearance at the Olympics. 而 she didn’t earn a medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games, she says this year will be 不同的.


Academic Excellence for All: The Wiget’s Commitment to UNC Libraries

Larry Wiget, LEC ’80, had planned to spend his career teaching, but life had another 的想法. Arriving at UNC ready to pursue his doctoral degree, the experiences he had throughout his UNC education changed the trajectory of his life. Crediting the university with giving him opportunities he wouldn’t have had otherwise; Larry 和 his wife Connie Wiget found a way to give back that is meaningful to them both 和 provides current students with opportunities to learn 和 grow just as Larry had.


参观 编辑部校友博客 to find more stories highlighting UNC success stories.